Sunbeam z roku 1946 překarosován v 1959 od Roe. Nový u Wolverhampton Corporation © Rob McCaffery
Vzpomínka na TrolleyFest 2008.
Vzpomínka na TrolleyFest 2008.
Black Country Living Museum je jedno z mnoha trolejbusových muzeí v Británii - trolejbusové systémy byly v minulosti v mnoha britských městech. Bohužel v současnosti není v celé zemi ani jeden běžný trolejbusový provoz. O novém provozu se uvažuje, pokud víme, v Leedsu.
Každé dva roky se v areálu muzea uskutečňoval TrolleyFest, v roce 2010 se kvůli technickým problémům nekonal. Zveřejňujeme tedy záběry, které pořídil Rob McCaffery v roce 20078.
Black Country Living Museum
Popisky fotografií tentokrát v kompletní a angličtině. S poděkováním za informace i zaslání fotografií Davidu Griffithsovi:PHOTO 1. A 1946 Sunbeam W which was rebodied by Roe in 1959 and here passing over the tramway level crossing at the mid-point of the route. It was new to Wolverhampton Corporation as no. 433 ( Regustered no. DUK 833).
PHOTO 2. A 1946 Karrier W (a chassis identical to Wolverhampton 433 ) was rebodied by East Lancs, also in 1959.was Bradford 735 (DKY 735) seen by the museum entrance building
Photo 3. Running down the hill is visiting Manchester 1344 (ONE 744) a 1955 BUT 9612T trolleybus, based on an AEC chassis design. This trolleybus was interestingly once stored on the US Army base at Burtonwood near Warrington.
Photo 4. Standing alongside the tram depot is another visitor, Newcastle 501 (LTN 501), a 1948 Sunbeam S7 with locally-built Northern Coachbuilders (NCB) bodywork, This is part of the Beamish collection but has spent a great deal of time away from the County Durham museum and appears to have settled at the Sandtoft Trolleybus Museum.
PHOTO 5.Wolverhampton trolleybus 433 turns past the newly-reconstructed Cradley Heath Workers' Institute, this building was re.constructed brick by brick at the museum site like the vast majority of buildings since the museum was founded in the 1970s.
PHOTO 6 Belfast 246 (2206 OI) , a 1958 Sunbeam F4A with Ulster-built Harkness bodywork and was the northern Irish capital's sole two-axle trolleybus. It is a visitor from the Carlton Colville transport museum in Suffolk.,
PHOTO 7, Derby 237 (SCH 237), is another Sunbeam F4A, this time dating from 1960 and carrying a Roe body. The Sunbeam's factory was a short distance from the museum at Wolverhampton.
PHOTO 8. Newcastle trolleybus 501 heads over the tram line , note the wiring which can be clearly seen in this photo.
PHOTO 9. Another visitor from Carlton Colville in Suffolk, was London Transport 1201 (EXV 201), a 1939 Leyland LPTB70 .
PHOTO 10. A popular museum resident is Walsall 862 (TDH 912), a 1955 Sunbeam F4A with a Willowbrook body. The chassis was in being 9.15 metres long and at the time any vehicles of that length had to be mounted on three axles.
PHOTO 11. Bournemouth 297 (297 LJ) is a 1962 Weymann-bodied Sunbeam MF2B, and was one of the final batch of trolleybuses built new for a UK operator. This trolleybus was to have been a star performer on the Usti nad Labem trolleybus system in 1999 as part of the city celebrations of 100 years of public transport organised by David Griffiths for DP Ústi nad Labem. Sadly the co driver of the tow truck left the planned route and hit a low bridge in Luxembourg and it never made the celebrations. Extensive repairs were necessary and a new roof was fitted over the fololowing three years. Now fully operational again.

Nahoře 2, 3, veprostřed 4, 5, dole 6, 7 © Rob McCaffery

Nahoře 8, 9, dole 10, 11 © Rob McCaffery