EURO BUS EXPO: Alternativní paliva. Budoucnost pro veřejnou dopravu v Evropě.

(CZ+EN) ALTERNATIVE FUELS: THE FUTURE FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORT ACROSS EUROPE. Narůstající legislativní tlak v Evropě na omezení ropných emisí vede k vývoji hybridních a alternativních technologií.
(CZ+EN) ALTERNATIVE FUELS: THE FUTURE FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORT ACROSS EUROPE. Narůstající legislativní tlak v Evropě na omezení ropných emisí vede k vývoji hybridních a alternativních technologií.
Inovacím, vývoji a iniciativám k omezení emisí výfukových plynů průmyslových profesionálů bude adresována konference Euro Bus Expo během prvních dnů výstavy 7-9.11.2006 na výstavišti NEC v Birminghamu ve Velké Británii.

(BUSportál je mediálním partnerem výstavy EURO BUS EXPO)

Evropští a britští zástupci budou diskutovat ve dvou konferenčních modulech ‘Latest developments in innovative vehicle technology’ a ‘Cutting carbon emissions through hybrid and alternative fuels’: ( Nejnovější vývoj v inovaci technologie dopravních prostředků a Omezení emisí pomocí hybridů a alternativních paliv).

Scania a Alexander Dennis jsou dvě společnosti na špici hybridních a alternativních technologií; velké iniciativy napříč Evropou se aktivně účastní na podpoře využití nízkoemisních vozidel ve veřejné dopravě.

Urban Johansson ze Scania Sverige AB seznámí na konferenci s využitím etanolového paliva: "Etanol je vynikající obnovitelné palivo pro těžká vozidla v městském provozu s významnými výhodami pro životní prostředí a ekonomiku. Etanolové autobusy po dobu 15 let působí ve Stockholmu. Nárůst zájmu o etanol vede k větší produkci a rychlému budování infrastruktury v celém světě."

Mark Nodder ze společnosti Wrightbus představí nový "streetcar", který byl začleněn do dopravního systému Velké Británie a vyhrál v soutěži v americké Nevadě.

Burkhard Eberwein z BVG Berlin seznámí na konferenci s vodíkovými autobusy. V současnosti BVG demonstruje vodíkovou technologii v součinnosti s projektem HyFLEET:CUTE Evropské komise.

Gerhard Ablasser z Oddělení pro veřejnou dopravu z Rakouska promluví o výhodách vozidel na alternativní paliva a jejich implementaci v rakouském Grazu.

Registrace na konferenci je možná na EURO BUS EXPO
TZ EURO BUS EXPO, překlad a krácení BUSportál. Úplné znění v angličtině.


Forward thinking innovations, developments and initiatives to cut carbon emissions throughout Europe will be addressed by leading industry professionals at the Euro Bus Expo conference, taking place during the first two days of the show on 7th-9th November at the NEC in Birmingham, in the United Kingdom.

European and UK representatives will discuss the importance of innovation to both the economy and environment and their commitment to future low emission fleets, in two Euro Bus Expo conference modules; ‘Latest developments in innovative vehicle technology’ and ‘Cutting carbon emissions through hybrid and alternative fuels’.

Increasing Government pressures across Europe, to reduce carbon emissions that are damaging the environment, along with depleting oil reserves, has seen a rise in innovative vehicle development that embraces hybrid and alternative fuels.

Scania and Alexander Dennis are two companies who are at the forefront of hybrid and alternative fuel vehicle technology and major initiatives throughout Europe are taking place to actively support and encourage the use of low emission vehicles in public transport.

On day two of the conference, Senior Vice President for Powertrain Development, Urban Johansson from Scania Sverige AB will address delegates and look at expanding the use of ethanol vehicles. “Ethanol is an excellent renewable fuel for heavy commercial vehicles in urban operation, producing remarkable environmental and economical benefits. During fifteen years using Scania ethanol buses, Stockholm Public Transport has achieved impressive environmental gains,” explains Mr Johansson “The growing interest in ethanol is leading to a rapid build-up of production and supply infrastructures across the globe. This will pave the way for new environmentally oriented sustainable urban transport systems,” concluded Mr Johansson

Joining Mr Johnasson in the module looking at innovative vehicle technology is Vice President Mark Nodder from Wrightbus, who will present the innovative streetcar, which has been implemented into transport systems in UK and most recently beaten off strong competition to win a contract in Nevada, United States. Mr Nodder will concentrate on its design, practicality and value for money.

Operators in cities throughout Europe are facing up to the threat of depleting oil reserves and warnings that demand for oil will outweigh production within the next two years, which will inevitably have a major impact on costs.

Bus Technology Manager Burkhard Eberwein from BVG Berlin, who will speak at the conference on the trialling of Hydrogen buses with internal combustion engines, commented, “As Germany''''s largest fleet operator of urban buses we, BVG, are well aware of our responsibility for the environmental soundness of future propulsion technologies. BVG is convinced that within a few years the economically viable operation of emission-free buses fuelled with hydrogen and powered by silent electrical engines will be possible.

Already today BVG is demonstrating the technological and economic feasibility of hydrogen internal combustion technology in normal scheduled route service. A fleet of hydrogen ICE buses is currently being put into operation within the framework of the European Commission funded HyFLEET:CUTE project.”

Local Dissemination Manager from the Public Transport Department, Gerhard Ablasser will also be speaking on the benefits of alternative fuel vehicles in the city of Graz in Austria and how they have implemented them into their transport system, as well as a speaker from Alexander Dennis Ltd who will give a general overview of hybrid vehicles and alternative fuels.

Registration for the conference is live and visitors are urged to book early as places are limited. Conference modules can be booked individually, or as part of a discounted package, online at The free pre-registration service for the Euro Bus Expo Exhibition is also now live on this site.

EURO BUS EXPO: Alternativní paliva. Budoucnost pro veřejnou dopravu v Evropě.