Volvo 9500 a 8900 © BUSportál
(CZ + EN) (New Volvo 9500 - versatile coach for a demanding market)
(CZ + EN) (New Volvo 9500 - versatile coach for a demanding market)
Informace k autobusu Volvo 8900 jsme přinesli v předstihu viz Nový linkový autobus Volvo 8900. Doplňujeme nyní vlastními záběry z IAA - byla zde prezentována verze LE. Dalšími exponáty byl autokar nejvyšší třídy Volvo 9900 a hybridní městský autobus 7700 konkrétního dopravce s telematickou zastávkou. Záběry použijeme příležitostně v budoucnosti.
Volvo 9500 doplňuje autokary Volvo 9700 a 9900. Je odpovědí na požadavek snížených nákladů spolu s pohodlím a operativním využitím. Mnoho zákazníků požaduje ekonomický autokar na kratší zájezdy a pro linkovou dopravu.
Jedním z důvodů pro nižší cenu Volvo 9500 je nasazení devítilitrového motoru místo třináctilitrového. V tomto segmentu je podstatná i nízká spotřeba paliva. Tu zajiš'ťuje i kombinace s převodovkou I-shift, dvanáctistupňovou mechanickou převodovkou s řadicím automatem.
Volvo 9500 je 12.3 m dlouhé s obsaditelností od 49 do 55 cestujících podle specifikace. K nižší ceně přispívá optimalizace výbavy, která může být rozšířena podle přání.
Bezpečnostní prvky jsou vždy standardem: Front Impact Protection (FIP) zajišťující vyšší ochranu řidiče a průvodce, Front Underrun Protection System (FUPS) proti podjetí a systém minimalizující riziko úrazu kolen řidiče v případě kolize.
Design Volvo 9500 je velmi podobný Volvo 9700 nebo Volvo 9900. Nejvíce patrný rozdíl je ve světlometech.
Volvo 9500 bude vyráběno v závodě Volvo Buses ve Vratislavi v Polsku, první autokary budou na trhu začátkem roku 2011.
Z TZ Volvo Bus Corporation. Kompletní v angličtině.
The Volvo 9700 and Volvo 9900 have long been recognized for their outstanding performance, and the combination of low running costs, comfort and operational reliability has brought significant market success.
“Due to increased demand in the medium segment, we are now launching the Volvo 9500,” says Mike Ball, responsibility for Business Development within Region Europe. “More customers want a cost-effective coach for shorter trips and line-haul traffic.”
The Volvo 9500 can be used for school transport, sports teams, day trips for seniors, line-haul traffic and so much more. In a nutshell, this is an extremely versatile and robust coach.
“This coach offers everything that Volvo represents,” says Mike Ball. “We haven’t compromised a single feature in terms of safety, environmental care or quality.”
One reason for the lower price is that the Volvo 9500 has Volvo’s nine-liter engine instead of the 13-liter engine. The nine-liter engine has a high torque within a wide rev range, and gives plenty of power at low engine revs.
The 6-cylinder engine has an overhead camshaft, four valves per cylinder, a unit injector and complete cylinder head. Combustion efficiency combined with SCR technology to clean up exhaust gases makes this an environmentally optimized engine that meets Euro 5 emission standards.
“Low fuel consumption is essential in this segment,” says Mike Ball. “The combination of a nine-liter engine with our acclaimed and fuel-efficient I-shift gearbox makes the fuel consumption extremely competitive.”
Volvo I-Shift is a 12-speed manual gearbox with an automated gearchanging system that gives maximum drive and ride comfort and exceptional fuel economy. The thorough design of the gearboxes enables the engine to provide excellent drivability.
The Volvo 9500 is 12.3 meters long and holds between 49 and 55 passengers, depending on the specification. To keep the price down, the design of the coach is opitmized but can be tailored to the customer’s needs by selecting from a range of available options.
“A range of comfort options can be added to the basic design of the Volvo 9500, such as an audio-visual system, toilet and coffee-making facilities. Customers can choose from a range of specification packages and create a coach that best suits their needs,” says Mike Ball.
Safety features are always standard. Volvo Buses are among other things equipped with Front Impact Protection (FIP) where a reinforced front protects the driver and the guide, a Front Underrun Protection System (FUPS), and a system that minimizes the risk for injuries to the driver’s knees in the event of a collision.
The design of Volvo 9500 is very similar the Volvo 9700 or Volvo 9900. The most obvious difference is the headlamps, but the coach is clearly a Volvo.
The Volvo 9500 includes a long list of attractive aftermarket offerings, including financing solutions and service contracts. Customers are also offered assistance from Volvo’s service network, one of the most comprehensive networks in the industry, which can optimize the second-hand value of the coach. The Volvo 9500 will be assembled at the Volvo Buses plant in Wroclaw, Poland and the first coaches will be on the market by early 2011.
Press Information Volvo Bus Corporation
Nové Volvo 9500 - všestranný autokar podle požadavků trhu
Společnost Volvo Buses uvádí na trh Volvo 9500, "pracanta" se vším, co Volvo reprezentuje v oblasti bezpečnosti, životního prostředí a kvality. Menší, devítilitrový motor a optimalizovaný základní design představuje více příležitstí pro zákazníky pro realizaci cenově dostupných aktivit.Volvo 9500 doplňuje autokary Volvo 9700 a 9900. Je odpovědí na požadavek snížených nákladů spolu s pohodlím a operativním využitím. Mnoho zákazníků požaduje ekonomický autokar na kratší zájezdy a pro linkovou dopravu.
Jedním z důvodů pro nižší cenu Volvo 9500 je nasazení devítilitrového motoru místo třináctilitrového. V tomto segmentu je podstatná i nízká spotřeba paliva. Tu zajiš'ťuje i kombinace s převodovkou I-shift, dvanáctistupňovou mechanickou převodovkou s řadicím automatem.
Volvo 9500 je 12.3 m dlouhé s obsaditelností od 49 do 55 cestujících podle specifikace. K nižší ceně přispívá optimalizace výbavy, která může být rozšířena podle přání.
Bezpečnostní prvky jsou vždy standardem: Front Impact Protection (FIP) zajišťující vyšší ochranu řidiče a průvodce, Front Underrun Protection System (FUPS) proti podjetí a systém minimalizující riziko úrazu kolen řidiče v případě kolize.
Design Volvo 9500 je velmi podobný Volvo 9700 nebo Volvo 9900. Nejvíce patrný rozdíl je ve světlometech.
Volvo 9500 bude vyráběno v závodě Volvo Buses ve Vratislavi v Polsku, první autokary budou na trhu začátkem roku 2011.
Z TZ Volvo Bus Corporation. Kompletní v angličtině.
New Volvo 9500 - versatile coach for a demanding market
Volvo Buses is now launching the Volvo 9500, a workhorse with everything that Volvo represents in terms of safety, environmental care and quality. The smaller engine and optimized basic design present more opportunities for customers to conduct cost-efficient operations.The Volvo 9700 and Volvo 9900 have long been recognized for their outstanding performance, and the combination of low running costs, comfort and operational reliability has brought significant market success.
“Due to increased demand in the medium segment, we are now launching the Volvo 9500,” says Mike Ball, responsibility for Business Development within Region Europe. “More customers want a cost-effective coach for shorter trips and line-haul traffic.”
The Volvo 9500 can be used for school transport, sports teams, day trips for seniors, line-haul traffic and so much more. In a nutshell, this is an extremely versatile and robust coach.
“This coach offers everything that Volvo represents,” says Mike Ball. “We haven’t compromised a single feature in terms of safety, environmental care or quality.”
One reason for the lower price is that the Volvo 9500 has Volvo’s nine-liter engine instead of the 13-liter engine. The nine-liter engine has a high torque within a wide rev range, and gives plenty of power at low engine revs.
The 6-cylinder engine has an overhead camshaft, four valves per cylinder, a unit injector and complete cylinder head. Combustion efficiency combined with SCR technology to clean up exhaust gases makes this an environmentally optimized engine that meets Euro 5 emission standards.
“Low fuel consumption is essential in this segment,” says Mike Ball. “The combination of a nine-liter engine with our acclaimed and fuel-efficient I-shift gearbox makes the fuel consumption extremely competitive.”
Volvo I-Shift is a 12-speed manual gearbox with an automated gearchanging system that gives maximum drive and ride comfort and exceptional fuel economy. The thorough design of the gearboxes enables the engine to provide excellent drivability.
The Volvo 9500 is 12.3 meters long and holds between 49 and 55 passengers, depending on the specification. To keep the price down, the design of the coach is opitmized but can be tailored to the customer’s needs by selecting from a range of available options.
“A range of comfort options can be added to the basic design of the Volvo 9500, such as an audio-visual system, toilet and coffee-making facilities. Customers can choose from a range of specification packages and create a coach that best suits their needs,” says Mike Ball.
Safety features are always standard. Volvo Buses are among other things equipped with Front Impact Protection (FIP) where a reinforced front protects the driver and the guide, a Front Underrun Protection System (FUPS), and a system that minimizes the risk for injuries to the driver’s knees in the event of a collision.
The design of Volvo 9500 is very similar the Volvo 9700 or Volvo 9900. The most obvious difference is the headlamps, but the coach is clearly a Volvo.
The Volvo 9500 includes a long list of attractive aftermarket offerings, including financing solutions and service contracts. Customers are also offered assistance from Volvo’s service network, one of the most comprehensive networks in the industry, which can optimize the second-hand value of the coach. The Volvo 9500 will be assembled at the Volvo Buses plant in Wroclaw, Poland and the first coaches will be on the market by early 2011.
Press Information Volvo Bus Corporation

Volvo 9900 a Volvo 9500 © BUSportál

Volvo 9500 © BUSportál

Volvo 9500 © BUSportál

Volvo 9500 © BUSportál

Volvo 9500 © BUSportál

Volvo 9500 © BUSportál

Volvo 9500 © BUSportál

Volvo 9500 © BUSportál

Volvo 9500 © BUSportál

Volvo 9500 © BUSportál

Volvo 9500 © BUSportál

Volvo 8900 © BUSportál

Volvo 8900 © BUSportál

Volvo 8900 © BUSportál

Volvo 8900 © BUSportál

Volvo 8900 © BUSportál

Volvo 8900 © BUSportál

Volvo 8900 © BUSportál

Volvo 8900 © BUSportál

Volvo 8900 © BUSportál