(CZ + EN) Světová premiéra nového autokaru New Futura z VDL (The New VDL Futura in a nutshell)
(CZ + EN) Světová premiéra nového autokaru New Futura z VDL (The New VDL Futura in a nutshell)
BUSportál: ... aneb asi už definitivně: Bova Futura vchází do historie a přichází VDL New Futura.
New VDL Futura ve skořápce
Světová premiéra nového autokaru Futura z VDL- VDL Bus & Coach přepíná na integrální konstrukci
- Nový základní model z VDL nabízí tu samou dopravní kapacitu jako jeho předchůdce
- Silný pohon a bezpečný podvozek
- Nové pracoviště řidiče
Holandský výrobce VDL Bus & Coach s autokarem New VDL Futura představuje klasický vysokopodlažní autokar pro evropský trh. Dvounápravový autokar 12.9 m a třínápravový 13.9 m jsou prvnímy produkty modulární produktové rodiny pro trh dálkových autokarů.
Futura byla vždy známá svou hospodárností, stejně tak splňuje tento požadavek nový typ - s vyjímečně nízkou hmotností, aerodynamičností a ekonomickým hnacím řetězcem DAF a ověřenými technologiemi (automatická převodovka AS Tronic, EBS, ESC).
Technici VDL Bus & Coach se specielně zaměřili na pohodlí cestujících. Podvozek má moderní přední nápravu se vzduchovou elektronickou regulací. Autokar je vybaven novou generací sedadel a ohleduplnou vrchní dtážkovou klimatizací. Pro řidiče je vyvinut nový ergonomicky řešený kokpit.
K rozhodnutí vyvinout autokar New Futura vedlo VDL Bus & Coach přehodnocení rozsahu nabídky produktů. Integrální autokar s novým logem VDL je start do budoucnosti nové modulární produktové rodiny, ze kterého bude vycházet další vývoj.
Nabídku tvoří základní dvouosé modely 12.2 a 12.9 m s až 57 sedadly pro cestující a tři tříosé modely z délkou od 13.1 do 14.8 m.
Z TZ VDL Bus & Coach. Kompletní v angličtině.
2007: 25 let autobusu BOVA Futura. (CZ + EN)
The New VDL Futura in a nutshell
World premiere for the Futura, the new coach from VDL- VDL Bus & Coach shifts to integral construction for the future
- The new base model from VDL offers the same high carrying capacity as its predecessor
- All the good characteristics customers have come to expect: powerful engines and safe chassis
- New cockpit with top-level automotive quality
With the New VDL Futura, Dutch manufacturer VDL Bus & Coach introduces a classic high deck coach for the European market. A 2-axle coach with a length of 12.9 metres and a 3-axle coach that stretches to 13.9 metres are the first models of a modular product family that meets all the requirements of the international touring coach market.
The Futura has always been known for its high cost-effectiveness, a requirement the new type also satisfies. With its exceptionally low net weight, aerodynamic finish and economical DAF drivelines, the New Futura raises the bar in terms of fuel consumption and emissions. At the same time, the Futura impresses with its soundness and reliability. Only proven technologies are used in the vehicle. The automatic AS Tronic transmission provides smooth shifting, easing the driver’s task. The modern electronic brake system (EBS) is equipped with a brake assistant. Furthermore, the Futura is fitted with the ESC stability program, which helps the driver maintain control of the vehicle during difficult manoeuvres and prevents roll-overs.
The VDL Bus & Coach engineers have placed special focus on passenger comfort. The chassis, with a modern front axle and electronically-regulated air suspension, offers the comfort of a luxury limousine. An unusual aspect of the interior is the flat floor. The New VDL Futura is delivered with a newly designed generation of seats, with which the interior can be fully adapted to the individual wishes of the customer. A top-notch climate control system provides a comfortable temperature and healthy, fresh air under all weather conditions. The Futura driver is ensconced in a new cockpit in which optimal ergonomics are achieved through first-class design.
The decision to develop the New Futura led VDL Bus & Coach to fully reassess its entire product range. The integral coach with the new VDL logo is the future, the starting point for a new modular product family on which all further developments will be based.
A new coach with a familiar name
The New VDL Futura makes its international debut with a complete range of offerings: the basic models are 2-axle high deck coaches with lengths of 12.2 and 12.9 metres, which with various seating arrangements can accommodate up to 57 passengers. A trio of 3-axle Futura models with lengths of 13.1 to 14.8 metres round off the series.
The name of the coach is well deserved. The New Futura offers unrivalled carrying capacity. Moreover, this Dutch newcomer meets all international safety requirements and comfort criteria. This coach is among the most efficient models on the market.
In terms of style, there is no doubt that the Futura is a descendant of the VDL family. The coach has a business-like, modern appearance, without unnecessary excess. The emphasis lies primarily on the aerodynamic front with the large VDL logo and the arrow-shaped headlamps. The horizontal lines of the side walls clearly divide the body surfaces into the functional segments for the passenger compartment, baggage space and engine compartment. The Futura has a completely unique and elegant look, and the design is both aerodynamic and coach wash friendly. Also deserving of special attention is the distinguished looking rear end with a characteristic form that reduces the low pressure area behind the coach – form follows function.
The passenger compartment exudes a feeling of spaciousness and has a flat floor without any raised areas. The newly developed generation of seats indulges the passengers with custom comfort: the Class 100/300/500 models offer the customer a suitable seat for every deployment area and range from a basic model to a richly appointed luxury seat. If desired, the Futura can be delivered in a 2 + 1 configuration that meets the most demanding requirements. For the climate control, use is made of a proven air conditioning unit that does its work without creating drafts and is virtually silent. The Futura is one of the most silent coaches in its market. Noise from the driveline and road are carefully dampened.
Familiar good characteristics: powerful engines and safe designs
For the drive system, VDL Bus & Coach continues to depend on powerful six cylinder inline engines from DAF. For the 2-axle models, the Euro 5 or EEV engines from the PR and MX series are the first choice. With their 361 and 410 hp, they provide high performance in combination with low fuel consumption. The most powerful engine, rated at 460 hp, is reserved for the 3-axle high deck models and with 2,300 Nm of torque provides convincing power even at low rpm. The automatic AS Tronic transmission eases the driver’s job and selects the right gear in any situation, while the exceptionally quiet ZF rear axle ensures optimal engine speeds thanks to gear ratios that are perfectly matched to practical driving situations.
Among the good characteristics for which VDL is known are the high level of driving safety and comfortable transport. The New Futura with its high-quality chassis also fulfils this expectation. Thanks to a top quality independent front suspension, a precisely linked rear axle and ECAS (electronically controlled air suspension), the Futura possesses superior road-handling capabilities. With the stabiliser at the rear axle that resists torquing around the vertical axis, the Futura also presents itself as an extremely comfortable coach that makes travelling a pleasure. The EBS brake system satisfies the most demanding requirements: with disc brakes all round and the brake assistant, the service brake can handle any traffic situation. During an emergency the ESC electronic stability program employs independent braking of the individual wheels to prevent the vehicle from skidding or tipping.
New cockpit with top-level automotive quality
For the driver of the New Futura, the new cockpit is a true pleasure. Major plus-points are the luxurious driver’s seat with large adjustment range and the adjustable steering wheel. The attractive, single piece, two-colour dashboard is an exceptionally high-quality construction. The right side tapers off to give the driver a good view of the area outside the front right corner of the coach. The ergonomic operating concept for the driver’s workplace has been completely redeveloped, ensuring that all control elements and switches are easily accessible. Naturally the Futura is also equipped with a separate climate control system for the driver’s area and passenger compartment. The tour guide has a comfortable sitting area with ample storage space and all the control elements at hand’s reach.
The first Futura models are currently in production at the Dutch factory in Valkenswaard where they are being built with an advanced manufacturing method. Special modules, including entire vehicle platforms, side walls, roofs and front modules, come off the assembly line in complete, preassembled form. Last but not least, a few words about the durability: the Futura will remain impervious to corrosion for many years, since virtually all the steel components are made of stainless steel. Only proven technologies and components are used – the collective know-how amassed by the VDL Bus & Coach subsidiaries over many decades all flows together during production of the New Futura.
PR VDL Bus & Coach