Velká objednávka pro VDL Bus & Coach od dopravce Connexxion.
Ambassador nahoře a Citea dole.

(CZ + EN). Největší objednávka v historii VDL Bus & Coach na 355 Ambassadorů a 10 autobusů Citea. (Connexxion places major order with VDL Bus & Coach.)
(CZ + EN). Největší objednávka v historii VDL Bus & Coach na 355 Ambassadorů a 10 autobusů Citea. (Connexxion places major order with VDL Bus & Coach.)
Oba typy jsou vybaveny motory EURO 5 a EEV filtry, redukujícími výrazně CO2, NOx, NHMC a jemné prachové částice. Všechna vozidla budou dodána během roku 2008.

Dvanáctimetrový Ambassador ALE 120-225 lehký nízkopodlažní autobus s nízkou spotřebou pro veřejnou dopravu. Autobusy budou vybaveny informačními obrazovkami, snímačem čipových karet a CCTV.

Nízkopodlažní Citea CLF 120-250 nabízí kromě nízké váhy a spotřeby nizké provozní náklady. Široké dveře a pohodlný vstup jsou vhodné pro vozíčkáře i kočárky.
Nizozemská společnost Connexxion zaměstnává více než 14000 lidí. Provozuje okolo 3500 autobusů, 200 autokarů, přes 3800 taxi a taxibusů a množství sanitek, tramvají, plavidel a vlaků.
TZ VDL Bus & Coach. Překlad BUSportál. Kompletní v angličtině.
Connexxion places major order with VDL Bus & Coach
With its order of 355 Ambassadors, passenger transport company Connexxion has placed the largest order in the history of VDL Bus & Coach. In addition, Connexxion has also expressed its intention to purchase 10 Citeas during the course of this year. Both types of bus come with a clean EURO 5 engine and an EEV exhaust filter, realising a drastic reduction of CO2, NOx, NHMC and fine dust emissions. The order is worth a total of 70 to 75 million Euros. This multi-million euro order will provide extra employment for VDL Bus & Coach. All vehicles will be delivered in the course of 2008.

Ambassador ALE 120-225

The Ambassador is a low-energy light-weight bus, specially designed to provide comfort to public transport passengers. Thanks to its low-floor construction near the entrance and exit doors, the bus is also extremely accessible for those less mobile. The Ambassadors ALE 120-225 for Connexxion will have a length of 12 metres. The buses will be fitted with screens, showing information on the next four bus stops and up-to-date departure times of connecting trains. Chip card and CCTV are also part of the standard equipment.

Citea CLF 120-250

After a development period of more than one and a half years, VDL Bus & Coach is extremely proud of the first pilot of 10 Citeas, to be used by Connexxion. During the development of this latest urban bus, VDL Bus & Coach exploited the many years of experience it has built up with the production of light-weight constructions. The Citea benefits from a low empty weight, the advantages being considerably lower fuel consumption and lower maintenance costs. The entirely flat floor and the wide entrance and exit doors make the bus extremely accessible for wheelchair users and passengers with pushchairs.

Connexxion, a passenger transport service provider, has organised its transport activities in the Public Transport, GVU, Hermes, Novio, Taxi Services and Tours & Water business units. The company employs more than 14,000 people. In 2007, Connexxion’s fleet comprised approximately 3,500 buses, 200 coaches, more than 3,800 taxis and taxi buses and a number of ambulances, trams, vessels and trains.
PR VDL Bus & Coach