Britský veletrh Euro Bus Expo chce rozšířit záběr i na čínské výrobce.(CZ+EN)

Spolupráce veletrhu s šanghajskou agenturou. (SHANG-HIGH FOR EURO BUS EXPO.)
Spolupráce veletrhu s šanghajskou agenturou. (SHANG-HIGH FOR EURO BUS EXPO.)
Obchodní ředitel Euro Bus Expo Tony West spolu s Peterem Gomersallem, ředitelem The Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT) strávili tři dny v Šanghaji návštěvou rozmanitých výrobců a zjišťováním jejich budoucích plánů.

Euro Bus Expo v součastosti dosáhlo jedné z fází marketinkového plánu s účastí výrobců a dodavatelů např. z Německa, Finska a Turecka.

Návštěva Šanghaje byla součástí extenzívní marketinkové kampaně, která je navržena pro získání povědomí o Euro Bus Expo 2006 jak na domácím a evropském trhu, tak v širokém mezinárodním měřítku.

Návštěva Šanghaje měla za výsledek ustanovení místní agentury pro Euro Bus Expo pro oblast Číny. Hangzhou International Exhibition Co. Ltd. se specializuje na veletrhy a má vazby na čínský trh a bude pomáhat s uvedením značky Euro Bus Expo mezi klíčové výrobce a dodavatele.

Viz na BUSportálu:
Silné mezinárodní zastoupení na EURO BUS EXPO 2006 v Birminghamu.(CZ+EN)
TZ EURO BUS EXPO. Překlad a krácení BUSportál.


In a pro-active bid to fulfil the international objectives of the show, Euro Bus Expo’s Commercial Director Tony West, accompanied by The Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT) Director of Membership and Commercial Services, Peter Gomersall, spent three days in Shanghai visiting a variety of Chinese manufacturers and understanding more about their plans for future product and brand development.

Euro Bus Expo has already succeeded in phase one of its marketing plan and this is evident in the exhibitor profile which lists manufacturers and suppliers from countries such as Germany, Finland and Turkey.

The visit to Shanghai was part of the extensive marketing campaign which has been designed to not only engage an audience and raise awareness of Euro Bus Expo 2006, within the domestic and European coach and bus market, but also create an interest on an international scale.

In order to achieve this aim, the visit to Shanghai also resulted in the appointment of a local Chinese agent to work on behalf of Euro Bus Expo. Hangzhou International Exhibition Co. Ltd. specialise in trade exhibitions and will have direct access to the Chinese market. Executive Manager Sophie Yu will be the show’s agent and will help to establish the Euro Bus Expo brand amongst key Chinese manufacturers and suppliers.

Peter Gomersall observed: “It is obvious that the volumes of vehicles manufactured in China are vast and their aspirations to export around the world are real. Currently the design of the vehicle is generally not at a level with which European markets will be comfortable. That will change and so it is vital that on behalf of the UK operating and manufacturing market, as well as Euro Bus Expo, we are aware of the opportunities and threats that the Chinese market presents.”

International support for the show is already strong and companies from China have recognised the business platform Euro Bus Expo will provide. Other manufacturers from the likes of India and the United States of America will also be present and add to the wide range of exhibitors for visitors to see.

Tony West added “The World is a small place and we can not afford to allow ourselves to think in terms of the UK and Europe being our sole market. With the advent of enhanced technology and the ease of international communications we can all aspire to servicing a broader world market. Our appointment of a Chinese agent to represent Euro Bus Expo locally will allow us to offer our customers the widest possible range.”

Britský veletrh Euro Bus Expo chce rozšířit záběr i na čínské výrobce.(CZ+EN)